The University encourages the reporting of all incidents involving sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. If the University knows about an incident of discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence, the University will take action designed to stop the misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. To be proactive, the University publishes a notice of nondiscrimination and has adopted and published grievance procedures. Reports may be made online:
By mail: 91¸£ÀûÉç, ATTN: Title IX Coordinator, 405 Lancaster Ave., Greer, SC 29650 OR
In-person, by email, or by phone: to the Title IX Coordinator or any Official with Authority as outlined in this Policy above
Complainants and other reporting individuals are encouraged to report any violation of this policy as soon as possible in order to maximize the University’s ability to respond promptly and effectively. There is no time limit for reporting. Reports under this policy may be made at any time without regard to how much time has elapsed since the incident(s) in question. As long as the Complainant or the Respondent remains enrolled or employed by the University, a Complainant may choose to report at any time.
The first priority of a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence is to get to a place of safety. This may mean simply getting away from the location of the incident, calling 911, or seeking support from a friend, Residence Life staff member or person with whom the victim is comfortable. The following are some options for any victim.
- Dial 911 for medical or safety emergencies. Emergency Room – North Greenville Medical Campus, 807 N. Main St. (Hwy 276), Travelers Rest, SC. OR Greer Memorial Hospital, 830 S. Buncombe Road Greer, SC.
- Contact Campus Safety and Security using the LiveSafe mobile app for assistance and to help coordinate emergency response efforts. See also the University’s Safety and Security webpage.
- The victim’s well-being is of primary concern. If the incident caused physical harm, the victim should seek medical attention immediately. See the local healthcare facilities above. The victim should also preserve any evidence of the incident and injuries as the evidence may assist with the investigation and/or serve as proof of a crime.
- The University encourages timely law enforcement reporting; however, it is the victim’s choice to make such a report or to decline involvement with law enforcement. 91¸£ÀûÉçSafety and Security can assist the Complainant with filing the criminal report if the complainant desires to do so.
- Seek support. Telling someone is the first step to healing and will help the complainant re-establish control of the situation. The University offers Counseling Services. Counseling or Confidential Resources include:
- 864. 467.3633
- 800.291.2139
- 803.256.2900
- 800.656.HOPE
A Complainant or witness has many options, including seeking counseling or assistance from a Confidential Resource, making a report under this policy, and/or making a report to law enforcement. The University recognizes that deciding among these options can be difficult and is an intensely personal decision. Complainants and witnesses are encouraged to explore all potential reporting and support options.
Confidential reporting refers only to the protections provided to information disclosed in legally-protected or privileged relationships, including licensed professional mental health counselors, licensed medical professionals, and ordained clergy. These Confidential Resources can engage in confidential communications when the information is disclosed within the scope of the provision of professional services. When an individual shares information with a Confidential Resource (on campus or in the community) as a confidential communication in the course of a protected relationship, the confidential resource cannot disclose the information (including information about whether an individual has received services) to any third party without the individual’s written permission or unless required by ethical or legal obligations which compel the professional to reveal such information (e.g., the law may permit disclosure when the individual gives written consent for its disclosure, if there is an imminent concern that the individual will likely cause serious physical harm to self or others, or if the information concerns conduct involving suspected abuse or neglect of a minor under the age of 18). A person’s medical and counseling records are privileged and confidential documents.
Confidential Resources submit non-personally-identifying information about Clery-reportable crimes to the Safety and Security for purposes of the anonymous statistical reporting under the Clery Act.
In their professional capacity, 91¸£ÀûÉçcounselors in the Counseling Services are considered Confidential Resources and are not required to report according to University policy. Information disclosed in the clinical setting will be considered confidential. However, Confidential Resources may encourage clients to report to local and/or campus authorities.
Note: Faculty, staff, administrators, and other employees, who are otherwise involved in pastoral or ministry work, are licensed mental health workers, or are licensed medical workers, but who are not working in that capacity for NGU, are NOT Confidential Resources.
The University will seek to keep confidential the identity of the parties as well as the information obtained in a Title IX investigation to the extent it is consistent with a full investigation of the complaint. However, notification of “need to know” individuals including, but not limited to, witnesses, supervisory/administrative personnel, and/or other University staff as may be necessary to carry out interim measures, the investigation, and/or final disciplinary actions may be necessary.
Where a Complainant requests to remain anonymous or that no formal action be taken, the University will seek to honor the request. However, the University must balance this with its obligations to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment for the community and to afford a Respondent fundamental fairness by providing notice and an opportunity to respond before any action is taken against a Respondent. In the event that the circumstances of the complaint dictate a full investigation, the University will take all actions necessary to conduct the investigation while balancing the wishes of the Complainant. This may include a limited disclosure of the identity of the Complainant and other steps that might compromise the Complainant’s request for confidentiality and anonymity.
Reports that are made anonymously or by third parties will be investigated by the Title IX office. However, third-party reporters do not become Complainants under Title IX.
Title IX requires the University to investigate all incidents about which the University knows in order to protect the health and safety of the University community. The University will undertake an initial assessment of all complaints filed even in cases where the alleged complainant and/or Complainant choose not to cooperate or participate; however, if the complainant chooses not to cooperate, the ability of the Title IX office to investigate may be limited or not possible. As necessary, the University reserves the right to initiate a complaint, to serve as Complainant, and to initiate conduct proceedings without a formal complaint by the alleged victim or Complainant.
Students may be reluctant to report incidents because of concerns that their own behavior may be a violation of University policies. The Title IX Coordinator has the discretion to not pursue disciplinary action against a student Complainant, Respondent, or witness for disclosure of past personal consumption of alcohol or other drugs where the disclosure is made in connection with a good faith report or investigation of prohibited conduct under Title IX and the personal consumption did not place the health or safety of any other person at risk.
Similarly, the Title IX Coordinator has the discretion to not pursue disciplinary action against a Complainant, Respondent, or witness for past violations of the Student Conduct Policy, including but not limited to with regard to sexual activity, where the disclosure is made in connection with a good faith report or investigation of prohibited conduct under Title IX. The University reserves the right to revoke this amnesty if the University, in its sole discretion, finds that the Complainant filed the complaint in bad faith or in an attempt to deflect potential discipline for violations of the Code of Student Conduct.
After the Title IX Coordinator and/or other OWA completes an initial assessment of the complaint to determine jurisdiction, the Title IX Coordinator (or a designee) will conduct an initial Title IX assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to gain a basic understanding of the nature and circumstances of the report; it is not intended to be a full interview. The Title IX Office will gather information about the reported conduct and respond to any immediate health or safety concerns raised by the report. The Title IX Office will assess the Complainant’s safety and well-being, offer the University’s immediate support and assistance, and assess the nature and circumstances of the report to determine whether the reported conduct raises a potential policy violation and the appropriate manner of resolution under this policy. Thereafter, an investigation may be initiated depending on a variety of factors, such as whether the Complainant will pursue disciplinary action, the nature of the allegation, and the proper grievance process to be applied.
As part of the initial assessment, the Title IX Office will:
- assess the nature and circumstances of the report, including whether it provides the names and/or any other information that identifies the Complainant, the Respondent, any witness, and/or any other individual with knowledge of the reported incident.
- address immediate physical safety and emotional well-being.
- notify the Complainant of their right to contact (or decline to contact) law enforcement or seek a civil protection order.
- notify the Complainant of the right to seek medical treatment.
- notify the Complainant of the importance of preservation of evidence.
- provide the Complainant with written information about on and off-campus resources.
- notify the Complainant of the range of interim measures available, including the right to reasonable interim remedial measures regardless whether they choose to participate in a University or law enforcement investigation.
- refer the report to Safety and Security to enter the report into the University’s crime log if required by the Clery Act.
- with the Campus Security, assess the reported conduct and discern the need for a timely warning under the Clery Act.
- notify the Complainant of the right to be accompanied at any meeting by an advisor of choice.
- assess for any alleged pattern of conduct by Respondent.
- discuss the Complainant’s expressed preference for manner of resolution and any barriers to proceeding (e.g., confidentiality concerns).
- explain the University’s policy prohibiting retaliation, that the University will take prompt action when retaliation is reported, and how to report acts of retaliation.
- determine the age of the Complainant, and if the Complainant is a minor, make the appropriate notifications under SC law.
At the conclusion of the initial assessment, the University will proceed with one of the following options:
- Issue a notice of allegation to the Respondent and proceed with a formal investigation under the Title IX process. This will occur when the complaint involves an allegation of Title IX harrassement (including any VAWA claims) and a Student Complainant requests a formal investigation, where the Complainant is a student and the Respondent is an employee of the University; and/or where the Title IX Coordinator determines that the safety and wellbeing of the University community necessitates an investigation even when a Complainant requests that no investigation be pursued or where Informal Resolution is not appropriate or available.
- When the Title IX Coordinator receives a complaint by an employee of the University that another member of the faculty, staff, or administration has violated this policy, the Title IX Coordinator will work with Human Resources to investigate in a manner consistent with University personnel policies and all applicable law. The Title IX Coordinator will have the authority to exercise oversight of the investigation and resolution and will ensure that the procedures followed are consistent with the requirements of Title IX and VAWA and the principles set forth in this policy. In extraordinary cases, the Title IX Coordinator may employ the services of an outside investigator to conduct the investigation of the claim against a faculty, staff, or administrator.
- Issue a notice of allegation to the Respondent and proceed with Informal Resolution. This will always require the consent of all parties. Any party may withdraw his/her consent to informal resolution at any time prior to an agreement. If consent is withdrawn, the Title IX office will proceed with a formal investigation.
- For cases of Title IX discrimination, the Title IX Coordinator will work with HR and/or the applicable department to investigate in a manner consistent with University policies and all applicable law. The Title IX Coordinator will exercise oversight of the investigation and resolution and will ensure that the procedures followed are consistent with the requirements of Title IX and the principles set forth in this policy. In extraordinary cases, the Title IX Coordinator may employ the services of an outside Investigator to conduct the investigation.
- If outside the scope of Title IX jurisdiction, the Title IX office will dismiss the complaint and refer the matter to the appropriate University office or department for resolution and/or discipline under the relevant policy. Any dismissal of the complaint may be appealed by either party.
At any time during the process, the Title IX Coordinator (or a designee) may impose reasonable and appropriate interim measures designed to support the parties involved. Interim Measures are not disciplinary and may be imposed regardless of whether discipline or corrective measures are sought by the Complainant or the University. This action assumes no presumption or determination of guilt and the investigation will be completed as soon as possible.
All individuals are encouraged to report concerns about the failure of another individual to abide by any restrictions imposed by an Interim Measure. The University will take responsive action to enforce the Interim Measures.
At any time during the investigation, 91¸£ÀûÉçmay implement any one or more of the following Interim Measures:
- place an employee on paid or unpaid administrative leave
- remove a student from campus, housing, and/or current classes
- provide access to counseling services
- issue on-campus No Contact Orders
- modify course schedules, rescheduling of exams and assignments
- limit on time and access to campus (including reduced access to the library, cafeteria, and other University buildings)
- ban individuals from campus except for classes and required University activities
- change class schedules, work schedules, or job assignments
- voluntary leave of absence
- provide an escort to ensure safe movement between classes and activities
- University imposed leave or separation
- any other remedy tailored to the involved individuals to achieve the goals of this Policy
The University may use these Interim Measures in any combination thereof or create new measures as needed. The University will take responsive action to enforce the Interim Measures.
The University has adopted an investigative process that is consistent, equitable, and transparent. The parties will have equal access to the process, including but not limited to the right to offer and rebut any evidence to be included in the investigative report. There is no presumption of responsibility for the conduct alleged until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the adjudication of the complaint. The investigators and adjudicators will serve impartially, without conflict, and make no prejudgments of the facts at issue.
Both the Complainant and the Respondent have the right to be accompanied by an advisor of their choice to any meeting. The Advisor’s role is limited to a role of support during the process. The Advisor’s role of support is at the sole discretion of Complainant and/or Respondent. If the complaint proceeds to a formal adjudication, an Advisor is required for the live hearing. If the party has not chosen an advisor prior to the live hearing, the University will provide an Advisor to the party for the purposes of the live hearing.
The University will respond to all Title IX complaints with a prompt and equitable investigation and resolution process. For claims of sexual harrassment, the University will complete the investigation in approximately 90 calendar days following the issuance of the notice of the allegations (exclusive of appeal). The University may extend any timeframe in this policy, including extension beyond 90 calendar days for resolution of an investigation. An extension may be required to ensure the integrity and thoroughness of the investigation; to comply with a request by law enforcement; in response to the unavailability of the parties or witnesses; or for other legitimate reasons, such as intervening breaks in the University calendar, University finals periods, special events on campus, the complexity of the investigation, the volume of information or length of the written record, and/or the severity and extent of the alleged misconduct. While requests for delays by the parties may be considered, the University cannot unduly or unreasonably delay the prompt resolution of a report under this policy. Reasonable requests for delays by the parties will serve to extend the 90 calendar day time period for resolution of the report. The Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with the investigator, has the sole discretion and authority to determine whether an extension is required or warranted by the circumstances.
Although cooperation with law enforcement may necessitate the University to suspend the fact-finding portion of a Title IX investigation temporarily, the University will resume its investigation as soon as practical given all the circumstances, including the status of criminal proceedings. The University will not, however, wait for the conclusion of a criminal proceeding to begin its own investigation, and if needed, will take immediate steps to provide appropriate interim remedial measures for the Complainant.
The Title IX Office has the discretion to consolidate multiple reports into a single investigation if evidence relevant to one incident might be relevant to the others. Consolidation might involve multiple Complainants and a single Respondent, multiple Respondents, or conduct that is temporally or logically connected.
The investigator may also investigate other forms of conduct that would be a potential violation of other University policies, and provide to the office or department responsible for enforcement of the pertinent policy violation all relevant information gathered during the Title IX investigation, as determined and at the discretion of the Title IX Office.
The University will seek to keep confidential the information obtained in a Title IX investigation to the extent it is consistent with a full investigation of the complaint. However, notification of “need to know” individuals including, but not limited to, witnesses, supervisory/administrative personnel, and/or other University staff may be necessary to carry out interim measures, the investigation, and/or final disciplinary actions. Individuals involved in investigations or disciplinary proceedings under this policy are encouraged and instructed to exercise discretion in sharing information in order to safeguard the integrity of the process and to avoid all appearances of retaliation. While discretion regarding the process is important, Complainants and Respondents are not restricted from discussing and sharing information with others who may support or assist them during the process. All parties, however, are required to maintain the privacy of FERPA-protected information and are also requested to maintain private sensitive information gathered or learned in the process. Individuals who disclose private information with the intention of intimidating, embarrassing, harassing, or retaliating will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and/or expulsion from the University.
The University will not use, seek to obtain, permit questions about or allow the introduction of evidence of any information protected by a legal privilege, such as attorney-client or the doctor-patient privilege. Individuals may waive his/her privilege in order to allow the introduction of the evidence; however, any such waiver must be in writing and must be voluntary.
No person shall record a Title IX interview and/or meeting, whether conducted by phone or in person, with the Complainant, Respondent or any witness, without the express consent of all parties. This applies to all participants in the interview including the Witness, Investigator, Complainant and Respondent. Any violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge and/or expulsion. This prohibition does not include the recording of an interview with the express permission of ALL participants.

The University understands that a witness may be reluctant to participate in an investigation; however, all members of the administration, faculty and/or staff, as well as students, are expected to cooperate with any investigation. Any employee who refuses to cooperate in an investigation may be subject to discipline. Refusal to cooperate includes, but is not limited to, delaying or failing to acknowledge requests from University officials for information, delaying or failing to make oneself available for meetings with University officials, and/or providing information to University officials that the individual knows or reasonably should have known to be untruthful.
If a Complainant or Respondent chooses not to answer any or all questions in an investigation for any reason, the University will continue its process, and the University will issue any discipline or sanctions, as appropriate. The University will not draw any adverse inference from a Complainant’s or Respondent’s decision not to participate in the investigation or any form of resolution under this policy; however, the Complainant or Respondent should be aware that declining to participate in the investigation may impact the timing and outcome of the case.
At any time, the University may place an administrative hold on the Respondent’s University transcript, make a transcript notification or defer or withhold the award of the Respondent’s degree. Although a Respondent may withdraw from the university while the investigation is pending, this withdrawal may be considered permanent and the Respondent’s transcript will be noted withdrawal pending investigation.
The University provides an informal resolution process when both parties desire to resolve the situation cooperatively. Informal resolution may include inquiries into the facts, but does not rise to the level of a formal investigation unless required by applicable law. The informal process, which is overseen by the Title IX Coordinator or a Title IX designee, is designed to resolve complaints quickly, efficiently, and to the mutual satisfaction of all parties involved. Where circumstances allow, the informal process will be initiated as soon as possible after the filing of the formal complaint. Informal resolution may include but is not limited to, options such as meeting informally with the Complainant and the Respondent (individual or group representative) with the intent of bringing about resolution, meeting privately with the Respondent and acting as intercessor, targeted or broad-based educational programming or training, supported direct conversation or interaction with the Respondent, and/or indirect action by the Title IX Office. A party may withdraw his/her consent to informal resolution at any time prior to the resolution of the complaint. If consent is withdrawn, the matter will be referred back to the formal resolution process. Consent for the informal resolution process cannot be withdrawn retroactively by a party after a resolution has been agreed upon by all parties.
The University will not compel any party to engage in an informal resolution, to confront the other directly, or to participate in any particular form of Informal Resolution. The recommendation to pursue Informal Resolution will be made when the University has sufficient information about the nature and scope of the conduct, which may occur at any time. Either party may request Informal Resolution, but participation in Informal Resolution is voluntary and must be agreed to by all parties in writing.
A Title IX investigation is an administrative and academic proceeding, and therefore, is not subject to the same requirements as those for a proceeding in a criminal or civil legal hearing. The parties will be treated equitably and have equal access to the process, including, but not limited to, the right to offer and rebut any evidence to be included in the investigative report. There is no presumption of responsibility for the conduct alleged until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the adjudication of the complaint. The investigators and adjudicators will serve impartially, without conflict, and make no prejudgments of the facts at issue.
1. Evidence. During an investigation, the investigator will seek to meet separately with the Complainant, Respondent, and relevant witnesses. The Complainant and the Respondent have the right to be accompanied by an advisor of his/her choosing for any meeting. Witnesses may not participate solely to speak about an individual’s character. The investigator will also gather other relevant information or evidence, including documents, photographs, communications between the parties, medical records (subject to the consent of the applicable person), and other electronic records as appropriate.
The investigator, not the parties, is responsible for gathering relevant evidence to the extent reasonably possible. Both Complainant and Respondent are encouraged, however, to submit any information they believe may be relevant, and both the Complainant and Respondent will be asked to identify witnesses and provide other relevant information, such as documents, communications, photographs, and other evidence. Both parties are encouraged to provide all relevant information as promptly as possible to facilitate a prompt resolution. In the event that a party declines voluntarily to provide material information, the University’s ability to conduct a prompt, thorough, and equitable investigation may be impacted.
The investigator may also consider information publicly available from social media or other online sources that comes to the attention of investigator. The Title IX Office does not actively monitor social media or online sources, however, and as with all potentially relevant information, the Complainant, Respondent, or witness should bring online information to the attention of the investigator.
Similarly, the parties should bring any new or evolving evidence, such as harassing or retaliatory conduct, to the attention of the investigator. The investigator may consider such information in the investigation and will also share any information about retaliation or violation of the terms of an interim protective measure with the Title IX Coordinator for independent disciplinary action.
In general, a person’s medical and counseling records are confidential and not accessible to the investigator unless the person voluntarily chooses to share those records with the investigator. In those instances, the relevant information from the records must be shared with the other party.
Prior or subsequent conduct substantially similar to the alleged conduct may be considered in determining pattern, knowledge, intent, motive or absence of mistake. The determination of relevance of pattern evidence will be based on an assessment of whether the previous or subsequent conduct was substantially similar to the conduct under investigation or indicates a pattern of similar prohibited conduct.
2. Coordination with Law Enforcement. If there is a concurrent criminal investigation, the University will contact the law enforcement agency that is conducting any investigation to inform that agency that a University investigation is also in progress to attempt to ascertain the status of the criminal investigation and to determine the extent to which any evidence collected by law enforcement may be available to the University in its investigation.
3. Preliminary Investigative Report. At the conclusion of the fact-gathering investigation, the investigator will notify the parties that his/her investigation has concluded. The preliminary investigative report and accompanying documents, if any, will be made available to the Complainant and the Respondent to review. The Investigator’s file and notes will not be available for the review by either party. Upon review of the preliminary investigative report, each party will have five (5) days to (1) provide written comment or feedback on the facts as gathered, (2) submit additional information, and/or (3) identify additional witnesses or request the collection of other information by the investigator. If either party provides a written response or provides additional information, the content will be shared with the other party and incorporated as appropriate in the final investigative report.
4. Final Investigative Report. Within ten (10) days after receipt of or expiration of the time for additional comments from the parties, the investigator will prepare a final investigative report that in addition to the preliminary report, will include a determination as to the credibility of the parties and witnesses as well as any recommendations of the Investigator.
5. Impact and Mitigation Statements. Either or both parties may submit a statement to the Title IX Coordinator for consideration by the Adjudication Panel in determining whether a Title IX violation occurred and/or an appropriate sanction. The Complainant may submit a written statement describing the impact of the prohibited conduct on the Complainant and/or expressing a preference about the sanction(s) to be imposed. The Respondent may submit a written statement explaining any factors that the Respondent believes should mitigate or otherwise be considered in determining the disciplinary action(s) imposed. Any impact or mitigation statement should be submitted no later than five (5) business days after receipt of the Preliminary Investigative Report. The Title IX Investigator will provide any statement(s) with the final investigative report to the Adjudication Panel.
Informal resolutions mutually agreed upon by the parties will be subject to the review and approval of the Title IX Coordinator to ensure that any issues related to the overall campus safety and security have been addressed.
In the case of discrimination complaints, the Title IX Coordinator has the discretion to impanel an Adjudication Panel and/or work with the appropriate department to appoint a Decision Maker(s) situated to best resolve the complaint.
Complaints that follow the formal resolution process for harrassment will proceed to an adjudication panel upon completion of the Investigative Report. The Final Investigative Report along with all underlying evidence and documentation; any written response by the parties; and any impact/mitigation statements will be submitted to the Title IX Adjudication Panel. All evidence submitted to the Panel must have been previously submitted to the parties for their review and response.
Both the Complainant and the Respondent have a right to be present at the hearing. In most circumstances, the hearing will be held virtually with each party in separate rooms so that the hearing does not require physical proximity to the other party. Although, as a general rule, the University encourages the Complainant and Respondent to be present at the in-person live hearing, the Panel may proceed without the presence of one or both parties if the safety and health of the community necessitate it. Each party must have an advisor at the hearing, if a party has not chosen an advisor, the University will provide an advisor for him/her.
Each party will have the opportunity to be heard and to respond to any questions of the Panel. The parties may not directly question one another, although they may proffer questions for the opposing party or any witness to the Panel who will determine the relevance of the question. If the Panel determines that the question is relevant, the advisor for the party may ask the opposing party or witness said question. All questions and follow-up questions must be approved by the panel prior to the advisor asking the question. The parties will have the opportunity to submit questions for pre-approval prior to the hearing if they choose to do so. Pre-approved questions are not disclosed to the other party prior to the hearing. If a party wishes to call or cross-examination any witness during the live hearing, the party must submit the name of the witness to the Title IX Coordinator via email at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing so that the University can attempt to coordinate the attendance of that witness at the hearing. The University does not have the right to compel a party or a witness to attend the hearing and, therefore, cannot guarantee that the will be available for live cross examination. All witnesses should be disclosed to the investigator during the investigation and each party will have the opportunity to pose questions to any witness or the other party through the Investigator.
The Parties do not have the right to be present during the deliberation of the Panel. The Panel will review all evidence and will determine by a majority vote whether there is sufficient evidence to support by a preponderance of the evidence a finding that the Respondent violated this policy.
The Adjudication Panel will be appointed by the Title IX Coordinator from a pre-approved list of trained Title IX Adjudicators. If a Panel member has a conflict of interest upon revealing the names of the parties, the Title IX Coordinator will appoint a substitute panel member from the list of Title IX Adjudicators.

The Adjudication Panel or, in the case of discrimination claims, the Panel and/or the dually appointed Decition Maker(s) will make a finding, by a preponderance of the evidence, whether there is sufficient evidence to support a policy violation. A finding of responsibility based on a preponderance of evidence means that based on all relevant evidence and reasonable inferences from the evidence, the greater weight of information indicates that it was more likely than not the policy violation occurred. The University’s definition of sexual misconduct is broader than that required by law; therefore, a finding of no violation under Title IX does not preclude a finding that there has been a violation of other laws and/or the University’s code of conduct.
It is the policy of 91¸£ÀûÉç to prohibit sexual discrimination and harassment of its employees and students in any form. In maintaining this policy, the University seeks to assert basic Christian precepts that requires a higher standard of conduct for the employee and/or student than that required by the law. The evidence submitted during a Title IX investigation and adjudication may be used, in addition to any other evidence deemed relevant, by the University in a determination whether other laws or University codes of conduct were violated. The finding of no violation under Title IX does not insulate the party from discipline for a violation of another law or the University code of conduct.

Decisions of the Adjudication Panel/Decisions Maker(s) will be made by a majority vote. If the Adjudication Panel determines that there is a policy violation, the Panel /Decision Maker(s) will then determine the appropriate disciplinary action(s) and/or remediation for the prohibited conduct. If the Panel determines that there was insufficient evidence to support a finding that the Respondent violated this policy, the matter will be dismissed for Title IX purposes. However, appropriate remedial measures (including, but not limited to, no-contact directives issued to both parties) may remain in effect to support a party. Other remedial measures (including, but not limited to, education, training, etc) may also be recommended by the Panel to the Title IX Coordinator for training, education, etc, for areas of the University community which the investigation revealed may benefit from further training and education.
Written notice of the outcome and/or disciplinary action(s) for harrassment complaints will be provided to the Parties typically within ten (10) days of the hearing.
A party may appeal the Ruling of the Adjudication Panel on one or more of the following grounds: (1) there was a procedural error that materially impacted the outcome, (2) there is new information not reasonably known at the time of the hearing which could materially impact the decision, or 3) a conflict of interest on the part of the investigator and/or Adjudication Panel. To appeal the finding, the Complainant or Respondent must submit a written statement to the Title IX Coordinator within ten (10) days of the receipt of the Ruling explaining why the party contests the finding(s). Each party will have the opportunity to review and respond in writing to the other party’s request for an appeal of the ruling; any response must be submitted within ten (10) days of receipt of the other party’s written statement of appeal. The Appeal Officer will review the written statement(s) and determine, in its sole discretion, whether a review of the ruling is appropriate.
If neither party appeals within the timeframe given, the Ruling becomes final.
If any ground is substantiated, the Appeal Officer may overturn the ruling and/or remand the matter to the Investigator (or a new investigator) with instructions for further investigation or other action. The instructions may include guidance regarding the scope of information to be further investigated and any appropriate stipulations, including the appointment of a new investigator.
If the Appeal Officer affirms a Ruling, the matter will be considered resolved, and the case will be closed. Appropriate remedial measures (including, but not limited to, no-contact directives issued to both parties) may, however, remain in effect to support a party even where no violation was found.
Written notice of the Appeal decision will be sent to both parties.

The University recognizes that under extraordinary circumstances, a Complainant or Respondent may identify newly discovered and dispositive information, at some point after the expiration of the appeal period, that was not previously available during the original complaint through the exercise of due diligence. The Title IX Coordinator or designee has the discretion to review this information. If it is determined that the information could not reasonably have been discovered prior to the resolution of the case, the information would substantially affect the finding or sanction, and compelling justification exists for its consideration, the Title IX Coordinator may review the case or outcome, and refer the matter for additional action in furtherance of this policy.
Where there is a finding of responsibility, the Adjudication Panel and/or dually appointed Decisino Maker(s) may impose one or more disciplinary action(s). Disciplinary action(s) may include any, or any combination of, the disciplinary action(s) that are listed below or set forth in the University’s Faculty/Staff Handbook and/or Student Conduct Code.
The policy prohibits a broad range of conduct, all of which is serious in nature. In keeping with the University’s commitment to foster a Christ-centered educational environment that is safe and free from discrimination and harassment, the Adjudication Panel has great latitude in the imposition of disciplinary action(s) tailored to the facts and circumstances of each report, including but not limited to, the impact of the conduct on the Complainant and surrounding community, the Respondent’s history, and accountability for the Respondent. Disciplinary action(s) are designed to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects, while supporting the University’s Christian educational mission and federal obligations. Disciplinary action(s) may include educational, restorative, rehabilitative, and punitive components. Some conduct, however, is so egregious in nature, harmful to the individuals involved or so deleterious to the Christian educational process, that it requires severe disciplinary action(s), including suspension, expulsion, and/or termination of employment.
The Adjudication Panel may solicit information from the Complainant, the Respondent, and any other administrator who can provide information relevant to a determination regarding potential disciplinary action(s). The Adjudication Panel may also review any written impact or mitigation statement submitted by the Complainant or Respondent.
When students violate policies of the University, the following sanctions may be used separately or in conjunction. The severity of the sanction is dependent on the incident and the student’s previous disciplinary record. Sanctions are not limited to a single semester or academic year, and may extend into additional academic terms. University sanctions include the following:
Accountability and Mentoring: Students will be assigned to a member of the university faculty or staff for accountability and mentorship. This person is assigned by the Associate Vice President of Student Engagement, and will provide regular updates to the Office of Student Accountability.
Education or Observation Hours: Students will be required to attend support groups, seminars, lectures, or classes. Online courses may also be mandatory. Students issued education/observation hours are required to provide a written summary of their time to the Office of Student Accountability.
Fine: Students will be charged a monetary fine. Fines will be imposed in conjunction with other sanctions. Fines may vary based on offense and prior disciplinary record. The maximum fine for any violation is $800. 91¸£ÀûÉç institutional financial aid cannot be used to pay a disciplinary fine.
No Contact Order: A “No Contact Order” means a student must make all reasonable effort to avoid any contact with a particular member of the university community. Contact is defined as, but not limited to, close proximity to, contact through other members of the university community or outside persons, or contact via any digital or social media platform. This sanction is applied to on campus and off campus situations. Further details will be provided to the persons involved when the specific no contact order is drafted.
On or Off Campus Counseling: Students will be required to attend counseling sessions. The counselor, in contract with the student, will determine the number of counseling sessions appropriate for the student. Counseling is confidential under guidelines given by the counselor. In compliance with counseling confidentiality, a report of satisfactory completion of counseling will be issued to the Office of Student Accountability.
Parent/Guardian Notification: Students will be issued this sanction at the discretion of the Associate Vice President of Student Engagement. Parents or guardians will always be notified of withdrawal, suspension, or expulsion.
Restrictions: Students’ campus activities, amenities, and/or movements will be restricted.
Restitution: Students will be required to reimburse the university or community member for damage to and/or misappropriation of property.
When students are issued a sanction, one or more of the following status levels are assigned. The Office of Student Accountability will designate when the status level will change.
Expulsion: Students assigned an expulsion status will be expelled and not allowed to return to any university campus or attend any event sponsored by the university without prior written consent from the Associate Vice President of Student Engagement.
Disciplinary Notice: A disciplinary notice serves as a warning for students. Students who continue to violate university policies will be subject to further sanctions and increased status level.
Disciplinary Withdrawal: Students assigned a disciplinary withdrawal have egregiously violated the policies of the university. Disciplinary withdrawal serves as a temporary expulsion. Students will not be allowed to return to any university campus or attend any event sponsored by the university without prior written consent from the Vice President of Student Engagement. Students must follow guidelines given by the Office of Student Accountability for readmittance. Two (2) disciplinary withdrawals will result in final expulsion. Students assigned a disciplinary withdrawal from the university, even for a short period of time, may face additional consequences in other areas, such as:
- Tuition, residence hall costs, and fees (suspension does not forgive financial obligations)
- Student financial aid (including state funded scholarships)
- Athletic participation and eligibility
- University Housing and Meal Plan
- Use of campus resources and access to campus
- Immigration status for international students
- Status and benefits of veterans and dependents of veterans
- Academics
Out of Good Standing: Students out of good standing are prohibited from actively participating in extra-curricular activities, unless required to fulfill an academic requirement. Leadership positions in any club, organization, or team will be forfeited. It is up to university officials if students are allowed to return to prior leadership positions. Students are ineligible for awards while out of good standing. Students with three outstanding disciplinary fines will be moved from good standing to “out of good standing” status. Students will be notified by the Office of Student Engagement on how they may return to good standing status.
Residency Termination: Students are issued a residency termination when they are ineligible to live in university housing, but allowed to remain a student.
Disciplinary action(s) may be imposed individually or in combination. For violations of this policy, the following disciplinary action(s) may be imposed upon any faculty, staff, or administrator:
- counseling or training
- reprimand
- written warning
- probation
- suspension
- suspension with conditions
- financial penalty
- unpaid leave of absence
- demotion
- reassignment of duties
- termination of employment
Disciplinary action(s) will be determined based on the seriousness of the misconduct and on the individual’s prior disciplinary history, if any. The findings of fact and responsibility, and in cases when violations of University policy occurred, any sanctions will be communicated to the parties in writing by the Title IX Adjudication panel. The notification will include the parties’ rights of appeal. In all cases involving sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, the file will be archived by the Title IX Coordinator.
Additional Remedies: Regardless of the outcome, the Adjudication Panel may recommend additional remedies for the Complainant to address the effects of the conduct on the Complainant, restore the Complainant’s access to University programs and activities, and restore to the Complainant, to the extent possible, benefits and opportunities lost as a result of the prohibited conduct. The Adjudication Panel may also identify remedies to address the effects of the conduct on the University community. Extended protective measures may be included in the disciplinary action(s).
Conduct that violates this policy also may violate the laws of the local jurisdiction in which the incident occurred and subject a Respondent to criminal prosecution by the presiding authority. Conduct that violates this policy also may subject a Respondent to civil liability.
It is the policy of 91¸£ÀûÉç to prohibit sexual discrimination and harassment of its employees and students in any form. In maintaining this policy, the University seeks to assert basic Christian precepts that requires a higher standard of conduct for the employee and/or student than that required by the law. The evidence submitted during a Title IX investigation and adjudication may be used, in addition to any other evidence deemed relevant, by the University in a determination whether other laws or University codes of conduct were violated. The finding of no violation under Title IX does not insulate the party from discipline for a violation of another law or the University code of conduct.
For complaints of sexual harassment allegations, both the Complainant and Respondent will receive a written notice of outcome that documents the Adjudication Panel’s ruling and discipline, as well as the decision of the Review Officer, if appealed. The determination of the Adjudication Panel is final unless appealed by one of the parties.
In cases of sex discrimination complaints, the parties will be notified as to the status and resolution of the complaint as deemed appropriate under the circumstances in the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator.
The Title IX Office will also notify relevant administrative and academic units, including but not limited to the Financial Aid Office, the Registrar, Academic Administration, Human Resources, the Safety and Security office, and Student Engagement, as appropriate and necessary, to ensure that disciplinary action(s) and remedies are put into effect immediately.
The Title IX Coordinator will maintain records of all reports, Disciplinary Resolution, Informal Resolution, and steps taken to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. Findings of responsibility may also be included in a student’s disciplinary record and/or an employee’s personnel file.